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Force Majeure INCITE Masterclass 2020_edited.jpg

Image by Ashley Prazer


Are you an artist feeling a pull to lean more into your arts practice?


Do you want to know what is deeply unique about you, your message, your arts practice? I will see it.


Are you unsure about how to get your work out in the world?


Do you want business skills to support your creative practice?​​​



If the answer to any of these questions is 'yes', let's get stuck in, creative, entrepreneurial one.


I love to support independent artists so that you can experience the freedom of carving your own path and making the change that you want to see in the world. I love to support you because I believe your authentic, aligned creative expression has ripple effects on your own growth and that of others.


Artistic practice is often where true risks, experimentation and growth truly happen. They are also the places where artists can experience the most freedom.


I know this because I have created and built these spaces for myself and others since 2006. I continue to this day.


In response to feeling stifled in my career as an artist due to power imbalances, hierarchy, patriarchy and tradition, I subverted these by creating my own unique, loving, kind and collaborative working ecologies as well as becoming excellent at producing my own work - and at SCALE.​  


I want you to have the support needed to fund, create, develop and deliver your impactful creative projects. I want you to feel like you've got a mentor and collaborator who has your back, and knows what it feels like.



I am here to deeply support you in your journey.


What does an Artist Mentor do?


As your mentor, I can support you with any and/or all of the following:

  • learn how to create compelling project concepts that fuel your soul

  • if you want, learn how to conceptualise projects that are competitive for grant funding or philanthropy

  • developing your producing skills from budgeting, to copywriting

  • understanding how to deliver the complete suite of activities to deliver a performing arts project from concept to excellent audience experience through to thorough evaluation

  • direct you as to the most important work to focus on at any time

  • review your grant writing, marketing copy, website copy, fundraising campaign copy and more

  • support the design and implementation of a successful philanthropic and donations campaign

  • support your marketing strategy, plan and publicity campaign

  • support the development of an attractive media release

  • and so much more.

  • ​

The results my clients have achieved during our time together has allowed them to:​

  • become excellent at project conceptualisation, project planning and project scoping

  • move quickly through production periods while I support them with knowing exactly what to focus on at what time

  • save enormous time due to the templates I have available

  • fundraise the money required for their projects through successful grant applications and philanthropy campaigns

  • build confidence and ability in producing to support their creative vision

  • feel deeply supported in vulnerable, public facing endeavours






“In the last 12 months, I have successfully transitioned from a corporate job, where I was trying to fit in, to an independent multidisciplinary artist feeling I belong in the arts world.


In our time together, Jenna helped me with strategic project planning, grant scoping, grant writing, budgets, developing a practice ecology and succinct communication.”


Kuweni Dias Mendes

Multidisciplinary Artist, QLD, Australia





"Mentoring with Jenna was an amazing experience.  As a result, I feel more confident as an artist and arts worker, and I have developed new skills in producing which will help me in my future arts career.


Over a period of 18 months, Jenna provided one on one mentoring sessions, professional development opportunities, hands on experiences working with community, and developing a range of skills in producing.  I was also given the opportunity to learn more about the creative process and develop key skills in producing large scale community projects.


I am incredibly thankful for this experience and to the effort Jenna invested in me to help me develop these skills."


Emma Davis

Artist and Arts Consultant, WA, Australia



How to take the next step...


I invite you to reach out to me for a complimentary 45 minute discovery call where you can feel what it's like to be in space with me, and we can explore how consulting could support you.   You can contact me via the Connect page with any questions or book your discovery call now via this button below.


If you choose to work with me after our complimentary discovery call, I offer the following ways to support you.


My sessions are held on zoom and flexible with days and timing. I work with clients around the world.  I am available for support in-between sessions through voice message, text message and email.



For consulting I offer bespoke packages and sliding scale pricing. Some clients like to begin with me and then extend for a long-term collaboration. Some clients like to combine consulting with coaching.


If you would like to work together, please book in for a discovery call below, to get the ball rolling for you. I'd love to meet you and support you.





Step into the next phase of your evolution and

book your complimentary discovery call now.



Or to simply stay in touch, sign up to my newsletter via the Connect page.




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